Friday, June 25, 2010

Self Care - Do only 70%!

I know.. It has been quiet around here in terms of blogging, tweeting, writing, and sharing my thoughts on acupuncture/TCM. I've been feeling exhausted and on the verge of burn-out - as anyone knows who is starting a business from the ground up. It is always on your mind and you work tirelessly and enthusiastically at 200% day in and day out.

Lately however I've been looking at my to-do lists (yes, multiple lists) and then choosing to do something else instead such as watching TV, taking a nap, cooking soup or looking at random blogs. I manage to get my priorities done but anything else has been scrapped and pushed back to the following week. Over the last few weeks I've been beating myself up over my sudden loss of motivation however I realized that in the midst of all my list making, I hadn't added to my list "Rest". I've been so busy I've neglected exercising and reveling in down time.

According to Chinese Medicine you are only suppose to do only 70% of any one thing. Eat until only 70% full. Exercise only 70% of what you feel is maxing out. It's a great philosophy and the antithesis of Americans view of giving EVERYTHING 110%. Eating too much, exercising too much, working too much. Once you can wrap your head around this idea, you'll find that you DO have time to take care of yourself, spend time with family, catch up with old friends, read that book for book club...

My goal for the last week of June/first week of July is going to adopt this concept and watch how things change for the positive.


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