Friday, May 28, 2010

Superb Soup

A few weeks back I talked about 'dampness' and how that can lead to excess fat. Let me also tell you that dampness can lead to a whole host of other health concerns - small (allergies, acne) and if long-term, big problems (abnormal growths, cancer). By no means do I want to scare you nor does it mean that a propensity towards dampness now will inevitably lead to serious diseases later in life. But a bit of prevention today can keep you healthy now and later in life.

I want to share with you one of my favorite recipes. Not only is it super yummy but it helps tame that dampness and actually clears the skin and brightens the eyes!
I discovered this recipe years ago when reading Susan Ciminelli's book: "The Ciminelli Solution: 7 days to better skin and better health".

I've altered it through the years to produce the following. ENJOY!

Adzuki Bean Soup

2 tablespoon olive oil

2 medium size white/yellow onions (chopped)

3 carrots (chopped)

3 stalks of celery (chopped)

6 cloves of garlic (minced)

2 teaspoons of cumin

2 teaspoons of tumeric

6 tablespoon of fresh ginger (minced)

Sea salt

Fresh ground pepper

2 cartons of low-sodium chicken stock (+ 1 cup of water)

3 cans of adzuki beans (drain/rinse)

Fresh lime juice

Fresh cilantro


In a stockpot or large pan, heat oil over medium heat.

Add onions, carrots, celery, ½ of the garlic.

After 2 minutes, add tumeric and cumin, rest of garlic and ginger

Cook another 10 minutes

Add beans and stock.

Add salt and pepper.

Cook for additional 20 minutes on medium/low heat.

Add the juice of ½ a lime and some fresh chopped cilantro.

Serve either by itself or over brown rice.


Cle Acupuncture -

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Adrenals? Who knew I had to take care of them too!

Taking care of yourself sounds easy enough but often we put our health on the back burner . We're inundated at every angle and turn by stimulation - cell phones, internet, Facebook, TV, twitter, iPods, iPads, blackberries... let alone family and work obligations. We're just plain burned out and it's taking a huge toll on our health.

When we're under consistent, persistent stress, our adrenals take a beating. Through constant stimulation (ie stress!) the adrenals overproduce the hormone cortisol. Overtime they are unable to keep pace with all the demands of being perpetually in a "flight or fight" state. As a result, the hormones that make you feel good are not being produced as before. Some people call it "chronic fatigue lite", others in the medical field discount it altogether. Problems arise such as: light headedness upon standing, trouble fighting off infections/colds, sleep disturbances, low sex drive, irritability and, of course, fatigue.

Foods that beat up your adrenals:
-coffee/black tea
-deep fried foods
-rancid oils, seeds, nuts
-sodas (incl. diet)
-processed meats/cheeses
-textured soy protein
-white flour
-cows milk
-artificial sweetners
-fast food, junk food
-white rice.

Now, I'm not saying you have to forego your chocolate and red wine. But my humble take is that you need to be mindful of just how much and how frequently you're reaching for that bottle of Merlot. If you nixed most of the obvious culprits in that list, you're generally well on your way to good health. Now on what you can add to your diet to keep those adrenals in tip-top shape.

Foods to fight off Adrenal Fatigue
+licorice tea
+naturally fermented miso (w/o MSG)
+sea salt
+beans with whole grains
+organic meats like lamb (wild meats)
+Arctic cod
+Alaskan salmon
+bone broth with acidic wine/vinegar
+red/orange veges
+almond oil

Other Tools:
*Refresh: Rejuvenate either by taking a leisurely walk, taking a long bath, or quietly reading.
*Exercise: It doesn't need to be a hard core spin class. Just move your body.
*Meditate: I know it isn't easy but there are great tools out there that can guide you through.
*Nap: Take a 5-10 nap when you feel overwhelmed/stressed. It's the ultimate "reboot" button.
*Spend time with friends: Without interruption or technology distractions.
*Jot in a journal: Note the good, the bad and the ugly of your day.
*Take a class: Take a class in something you're interested in that you never make time for. Calligraphy, knitting, kickboxing, playing the guitar.
*Visit your Acupuncturist: Acupuncture has been shown time and time again to relieve stress and the symptoms associated with it. You don't have to see them forever, but one or two visits when the pressure is on will help you manage through.
*Herbs: Your acupuncturist can also recommend a customize formula that can help you naturally get through the rough patches.
*Take your vitamins: Vitamin B complex has been shown to help the body cope with stress.
*Fish Oils: Either from the real deal or in a supplement form.
*Avoid/limit "Stress-ies": Limit time you spend with people who are overly stressed out. Stress is contagious and often others will rile up the calmer crowd so they're not alone.

Healthy Yummy Snacks

Last week I participating in a huge small business expo. It was a bit of a last minute idea and I scurried around the house to figure out what to present as well as what to hand out. I created a recipe only the night before the event but it was a hit.. not only from a deliciousness perspective but also from a health perspective. It is incredibly heart healthy and has the added benefit of filling you up without filling you out. Calories wise it is just less than 200 calories for approx 1/3 cup worth. I plan to play around with the recipe further as time allows - but for now.. Here you go. I hope you enjoy it!

"Key To My Heart" Trail Mix


1 ½ cup Walnuts

1 ½ cup Almonds

¼ cup Sunflower seeds

¼ cup Pumpkin seeds

¼ cup Flax seeds

½ cup Dried cherries

3 tablespoons Honey

1 tablespoon Maple Syrup

¼ teaspoon Ground cinnamon

1 ½ teaspoon Course Salt


Preheat oven to 325.

  • Mix the nuts and seeds. Set aside.
  • In separate bowl, mix the honey, maple syrup, salt and cinnamon.
  • Toss with the nut mix.
  • Spread in a single layer on a baking sheet.
  • Bake, stirring occasionally for 20 minutes.
  • Add the cherries and cook for another 10 minutes.
  • Once out of the oven, transfer mix to glass bowl to prevent sticking.

Makes 12 servings.

Health Benefits

Western Medicine:

This mix is loaded with Vitamin E, Vitamin B, protein, minerals, Omega -3 essential fatty acids, and more! Not only is it heart healthy because it’s packed with antioxidants but it allows for sustained energy!

Eastern Medicine:

This is a powerful energy tonic and has the ability to warm the body’s energy channels. It also benefits the Kidney energy which is important for reproductive health (both men and women) and protects against stress.

Cle Acupuncture -

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

A Bowl (or more) Full of Cherries

Last week I came across a great article on the health benefits of cherries. It doesn't take much to convince me how wonderful cherries are. I've been a bit obsessed with them ever since. Thank goodness it is in fact cherry season here in California.

While doing a quick grocery trip with my husband last night, I saw a beautiful display of cherries. They literally greeted me at the door! I moved quickly to select my bag and gently placed them in the cart. I couldn't wait to enjoy them. Unfortunately I was met with a LOFTY price tag for them at the check out stand - $18! Hubby was convinced I picked the largest bag possible, which no doubt, I probably did. Wow! I had to quickly rattle off all the health benefits both to him and myself to justify such an extravagant fruit purchase. It was easy...

-A 2009 study from the University of Michigan Cardiovascular Center found that a cherry-enriched diet significantly decreases body weight and fat. Antioxidants, called anthocyanidins, could possibly help you lose weight by turning on a fat-burning enzyme. In particular the research spoke about belly fat which as we all know is a major factor in many serious diseases. Suggested amount - a cup of cherries a day.

-Cherries, such as the black or bing, contain lots of antioxidants, vitamin C, calcium, and potassium. The anthocyanins found in tart cherries act as cyclooxygenase inhibitors, blocking the enzymes responsible for the formation of inflammatory agents, which cause pain for arthritis sufferers. According to scientists, tart cherries actually act in the same way as Vioxx and Celebrex.

-Anti-aging properties as a result of the antioxidants.
-Known to relieve symptoms of Gout.

According to Chinese Medicine:
Cherries are warming in nature so best treat disorders of 'coldness' (eg. person feels cold all the time)
Increases Qi (helps when you feel a lack of energy)
Tonifies the Spleen (pancreas)
They are a well-known rememdy for gout, arthritis, and rheumatism
Helps overcome numbness in the limbs
Rich source of iron so helps with blood deficiency and/or anemia

So if you find yourself blowing your food budget on cherries, know that it is in the name of good health! So Enjoy!

Good Health & Happy Living...

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Vinegar - Who knew?

I came across an interesting tidbit of info today. It always amazes me when Western Medicine comes to similar conclusions to Traditional Chinese Medicine, although through vastly different reasoning and research.

As I reported before, VINEGAR is a great way to decrease damp (i.e. weight).

In a study from the Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry - scientists found that mice fed acetic acid (key component of vinegar) as part of a high-fat diet developed up to 10% less body fat compared to other mice.
Apparently the acetic acid:
-breaks down fat
-regulates blood sugar
-reduces blood pressure

I'm a HUGE fan of vinegar. I love any and all kinds - apple cider, red wine vinegar, balsamic, champagne.. You name it! I can't get enough. A good friend of mine actually makes it in his pantry at home in San Francisco. The process is fascinating and the results delic! He uses the last bits of different wines he's opened and makes an amazing red wine vinegar.
I'm literally starting to salivate as I think about it.

Apple Cider vinegar has amazing health benefits in particular. But I'll save that for another day and another post.

Good Health & Happy Living...

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Beverages to combat damp - follow up

Happy Saturday!

After yesterdays post I realized that I spoke only of foods and not beverages that could aid in eliminating dampness. Below are few ideas of yummy beves that you might consider:

Green tea
Raspberry leaf tea
Jasmine tea
Black tea

If you tend towards running on the warmer side
(or if your tongue is more of a yellowish coat in nature):
Elderflower tea
Grapefruit juice
Peppermint tea


Friday, May 7, 2010

Dampity damp damp damp….

....and why it causes weight gain

When I first began seeing an acupuncturist many years ago I asked her what she thought I could do to remedy my situation (allergies, anxiety, excess weight). I was hoping she would give me some great food ideas, particular activities I could incorporate into my daily routine and books I could read. Instead she told me I was “damp” and that I needed to avoid ‘damp-producing’ foods such as bread and peanut butter (how did she know that was one of my loves!). Why was I damp? What did this mean? What else qualified as a damp-producing food item? In time and through years of formal education, I found out.

Without getting in the minutiae of Traditional Chinese Medical theory – yin/yang, five element, three jiaos (you get the point) – I will explain what dampness is, how it manifests and what foods you can eat to keep it (and excess weight) at bay.

The quality of dampness in nature and in our bodies is to moisten and lubricate. It is necessary for the proper functioning of many physiological activities. However when dampness is excessive, it can obstruct and clog. This excessive dampness has a tendency to impair the digestive and elimination functions in the body, which can in turn not only produce excess weight but can cause a whole host of our disorders throughout the body including acne, eczema, edema, Candida, tumors, etc.

If you imagine what it’s like to walk around with 4 layers of clothing that are all sopping wet - that is how dampness feels. You feel sluggish, heavy, and depressed.

Some of the typical signs that you may have a tendency towards dampness include:


-Lack of appetite or an appetite that seems fickle

-Bloated (especially after meals)

-Loose stools or constipation

-Feel of heaviness in the body and limbs


-Feeling “out of it”

-If you look at your tongue in the mirror, you may see a thick coat

So what can you do about it! Just like losing weight, it is a slow process to get rid of dampness. But it can be done and you’ll feel like a new person! You’ll have more energy, your belly will flatten back to its normal place, and you will be able to think more clearly!

Damp foods (foods to avoid or aggressively limit):

Highly processed foods/Fast food

Fried foods






Other soy-based products


Sugars and other sweeteners

Fruits (particularly pineapple)

Nuts (especially peanuts)


I’m not saying that you have to cut these foods out entirely – that isn’t realistic at all. But you just have to be mindful that these foods can and will make you feel yucky if you are already prone to dampness.

Other things to keep in mind that will further promote dampness:

Excessive consumption of any foods (overeating)

Eating while stressed out

Eating late at night/before bed

Iced beverages (slows down the digestive fire)

Excessive worrying/thinking can actually tax the digestive system

So what CAN I eat. By incorporating these foods daily into your diet – you will help more quickly combat the dreaded dampness.

Foods to get rid of damp

Adzuki beans

Small red beans

Broad beans











Raw Honey


Wild blue-green algae

I would be remiss if I didn’t mention exercise. As with anything you need to move your body for it to work properly and for you to move that damp right out! Just like a load of soppy clothes straight out of the washer, you need to get them into the dryer and spinning to get them back to normal. So get out there and spin/move/ride/walk.. Whatever suits your fancy.

Good Health+Happy Living!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Welcome Welcome Welcome

Welcome & Bienvenue one and all!
The purpose of this humble blog will be to share with you how to live a hip and healthy life. "What does that mean?" you may ask. Well, I believe a person can live a healthy life without sacrificing life's pleasures (i.e. food and wine) and spending every single free moment in the gym (unless you really like to share sweat with the grunt-happy man next to you on the treadmill). I will share with you great foods to ADD to your daily routine and other tips and tricks to live a vibrant life.

"Who am I?" you may ask. Well not only am I a lover of food and vino but I have spent the last 5 years of my life studying and practicing Traditional Chinese Medicine (acupuncture and Chinese herbology). The two worlds couldn't be more different however I'm slowly learning to balance the two and I want to share with you the secrets I've learned and keep learning along the way.

I really believe it can be done. It has already been an adventure for me but I'm willing to take this adventure 'on the road' and share with my friends and to anyone who wants to be hip and healthy.

On The Menu:
Highlight specific foods and their energetics (healthful qualities)
Hangover cures (combo of Western/Eastern tips)
Weight loss tips
How acupuncture can help different issues
Is their really anything healthy about eating pâté
Seasonal recipe ideas to help curb seasonal issues (eg. allergies)
And more...

Happy Living!