Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Vinegar - Who knew?

I came across an interesting tidbit of info today. It always amazes me when Western Medicine comes to similar conclusions to Traditional Chinese Medicine, although through vastly different reasoning and research.

As I reported before, VINEGAR is a great way to decrease damp (i.e. weight).

In a study from the Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry - scientists found that mice fed acetic acid (key component of vinegar) as part of a high-fat diet developed up to 10% less body fat compared to other mice.
Apparently the acetic acid:
-breaks down fat
-regulates blood sugar
-reduces blood pressure

I'm a HUGE fan of vinegar. I love any and all kinds - apple cider, red wine vinegar, balsamic, champagne.. You name it! I can't get enough. A good friend of mine actually makes it in his pantry at home in San Francisco. The process is fascinating and the results delic! He uses the last bits of different wines he's opened and makes an amazing red wine vinegar.
I'm literally starting to salivate as I think about it.

Apple Cider vinegar has amazing health benefits in particular. But I'll save that for another day and another post.

Good Health & Happy Living...

1 comment:

  1. Yum, yum! I too love vinegar. Thanks for the reminder about how good it is for you. I'd love to learn more about how to make it. Thanks for the post! Your posts are very practical.
    Cheers, Brooke
