When we're under consistent, persistent stress, our adrenals take a beating. Through constant stimulation (ie stress!) the adrenals overproduce the hormone cortisol. Overtime they are unable to keep pace with all the demands of being perpetually in a "flight or fight" state. As a result, the hormones that make you feel good are not being produced as before. Some people call it "chronic fatigue lite", others in the medical field discount it altogether. Problems arise such as: light headedness upon standing, trouble fighting off infections/colds, sleep disturbances, low sex drive, irritability and, of course, fatigue.
Foods that beat up your adrenals:
-coffee/black tea
-deep fried foods
-rancid oils, seeds, nuts
-sodas (incl. diet)
-processed meats/cheeses
-textured soy protein
-white flour
-cows milk
-artificial sweetners
-fast food, junk food
-white rice.
Now, I'm not saying you have to forego your chocolate and red wine. But my humble take is that you need to be mindful of just how much and how frequently you're reaching for that bottle of Merlot. If you nixed most of the obvious culprits in that list, you're generally well on your way to good health. Now on what you can add to your diet to keep those adrenals in tip-top shape.
Foods to fight off Adrenal Fatigue
+licorice tea
+naturally fermented miso (w/o MSG)
+sea salt
+beans with whole grains
+organic meats like lamb (wild meats)
+Arctic cod
+Alaskan salmon
+bone broth with acidic wine/vinegar
+red/orange veges
+almond oil
Other Tools:
*Refresh: Rejuvenate either by taking a leisurely walk, taking a long bath, or quietly reading.
*Exercise: It doesn't need to be a hard core spin class. Just move your body.
*Meditate: I know it isn't easy but there are great tools out there that can guide you through.
*Nap: Take a 5-10 nap when you feel overwhelmed/stressed. It's the ultimate "reboot" button.
*Spend time with friends: Without interruption or technology distractions.
*Jot in a journal: Note the good, the bad and the ugly of your day.
*Take a class: Take a class in something you're interested in that you never make time for. Calligraphy, knitting, kickboxing, playing the guitar.
*Visit your Acupuncturist: Acupuncture has been shown time and time again to relieve stress and the symptoms associated with it. You don't have to see them forever, but one or two visits when the pressure is on will help you manage through.
*Herbs: Your acupuncturist can also recommend a customize formula that can help you naturally get through the rough patches.
*Take your vitamins: Vitamin B complex has been shown to help the body cope with stress.
*Fish Oils: Either from the real deal or in a supplement form.
*Avoid/limit "Stress-ies": Limit time you spend with people who are overly stressed out. Stress is contagious and often others will rile up the calmer crowd so they're not alone.
Cle Acupuncture - http://www.cleacupuncture.com/news
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